Vision and values


Arctic – your best subcontractor


«S P R E K» epresents our core values.

  • Our employees shall always, also in their spare time, appear as good representatives of the company.
  • We always treat and refer to the company, colleagues, customers, suppliers and partners in a positive and respectful manner.

Social responsible




Client staisfaction

Socially responsible 

In practice, this means, among other things:

  • We distance ourselves from social dumping and shall have orderly and orderly employment conditions and a good working environment for all our employees
  • We believe that all injuries and unwanted incidents with the right measures can be avoided, hence our ZERO vision in this area.  This applies to people, the environment and materials.
  • Our business shall be based on healthy sustainability and consideration for the environment / surroundings.


In Arctic, we will perform our professional work professionally by possessing the necessary expertise. Competence with us consists of: knowledge, skills, attitudes and values:

Examples of necessary knowledge are competence in the disciplines we perform, including standards, laws, regulations and contractual requirements. The requirements for knowledge will be different for different positions and levels in the organization.

Examples of necessary skills are the ability to cooperate and communicate well with different people, the ability to contribute to unity and joint goal-oriented work, both internally between work colleagues and together with our customers, suppliers and partners.

Attitudes and values:
Examples of our attitudes are being interested, loyal, responsible, fair, open-minded and personal, but at the same time confidential when this is natural / necessary.


Our business shall be based on value creation through solid business integrity.

  • We should be trustworthy.
  • We will combat corruption.
  • We follow laws, regulations and good ethics.


  • Our employees and our business shall be characterized by genuine and eager interest with active and positive commitment to creating value.
  • We will carry out our projects in accordance with our values and agreements.
  • We will actively strive for effective and profitable solutions for everyone involved.

Client satisfaction

  • By having a corporate culture that is "S P R E K" and that follows our values, we will create value and success for our clients and ourselves and achieve satisfaction with our customers.

+47 95 12 01 05